Forum Medical Tourism 2016
11-13 May, 2016 | Atakent Exhibition Centre, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Exhibition Profile
- Healthcare Resorts
- Warm-weather resorts, SPAs and MUD SPA resorts
- SPA and Wellness centres
- Children’s clinics
- Clinics, diagnostic clinics and rehabilitation centres
- Medical services: preventative treatment, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
- Medical Treatment abroad
- Alternative medicine
- Consultation, service and insurance companies
- Transport services
The Almaty International Health Forum will not just offer specialists the chance to find out about the services and products of more than 250 companies from 19 countries – Austria, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, South Korea, but also them the opportunity to discuss the most important issues in the industry over the course of special events – conference, round tables and work shops. These events were visited by more than 5500 people, (90% are specialists).
Clinics and specialized tour operators from Kazakhsatn, Russia, Germany and other countries will present their offers and new developments in health tourism at the Healthcare Tourism Exhibition. Visitors will have the chance to receive discounts and special offers from exhibiting companies, receive professional consultations and find out useful and relevant information about the health tourism opportunities in different countries.
The Healthcare Tourism Exhibition will become the first specialised event in Kazakhstan for companies offering medical treatment services in Kazakhstan and abroad. Looking at the results of the exhibition, we can be sure that the project has a lot of prospects and that it has become a professional platform that will encourage the discovery of the potential of the industry both for companies and consumers in the healthcare tourism market.
Kazakhstan International Health Forum is the only regional platform that includes all types of medicine today. The project has united specialized exhibitions, scientific, practical and business events and presentations by exhibiting companies. The strategic purpose of the forum is the provision of a combined multi-industry and multidisciplinary approach to the development of the healthcare system.
Having several specialised exhibitions share the same platform – Healthcare Tourism, KIHE, AestheticMed and Surgery - allows for a combined inter-industry and interdisciplinary approach to the development of the health industry. This is why Kazakhstan International Health Forum has received the support of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, is going to become the most important event for all representatives of the healthcare industry and will serve to encourage the implementation of state healthcare modernization programs.
Healthcare tourism in the form of medical services practice beyond the patient's country has been developing considerably over the last years, and it is going on to represent a promising business direction. "Medicine Without Borders" is the keystone of companies and tour operators engaged in the medical tour planning and organisation. "Healthcare Tourism" is designed to show the industry latest achievements, to provide the experts and all interested people with information about medical treatment abroad, about the industry global trends.
The exhibition invites for participation:
- Representatives of ministries, agencies and organizations responsible for development of public health and tourism
- Heads of regional governments,
- Representatives of touristic agencies
- Health specialists
- Medical centers
- Insurance companies
- Citizens interested in health and fitness recreation
- State and private foundations
- Healthcare resorts
- Warm-weather resorts, spas and mud spa resorts
- Spas and wellness centres
- Children’s clinics
- Clinics, diagnosis clinics and rehabilitation centres
- Medical services: preventative treatment, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
- Treatment abroad
- Alternative medicine
- Consultation, service and insurance companies
- Specialised tour operators
- Transport services
For additional information please contact: Anastasia Balysheva
We will be glad to see you at the International Exhibition "Healthcare Tourism"!